Keep being skeptical

Today, Intellectuals around the world are busy attending conferences /lectures/ creating awareness campaign /researchers are digging into the truth. With a highlighted title Fake news No More . and fact checking is needed .

In parallel suddenly we are all aware that we should not keep calm. and it’s so genuine and beautiful what is happening, truth is popping out like popcorn in too many diverse aspects and industries around the globe ………………..…

I am neither a journalist nor an expert, but a skeptical resident who has an eye and would love to share and reflect ……

considering the fact that we are digesting information served , customized and dedicated to us by bunch of people sitting somewhere in silicon , monitoring -creating – controlling and so on ….

And Not dismissing the fact that likes, tweets and downloads can be bought so that you can improve your business / or your voice appears to be heard way too many times and be considered a reliable source .

I would like to share this little video which is not academic at all and will serve none of those Brainy likeminded who are digging into what is Real and how should be delivered and directed …….. …..

with his pure humor and nothing but creativity, illustrates clearly (citizens digesting what is served ….. ….

Ktir Salbeh Show – 2015 Episode 1 – 30 جحش

Next time you read or hear anything .. remember the jingle. ….

Donkey Number 32- 33- 34

And for my English speaking friends here is a Brief Translation.

He is selling newspapers….. and it is a common habit down in M.East you scream out loud when you want to sell in the street .

30 donkeys are victims ….   ….. While walking in the street

A guy stops him who is curious and needs to know what happened , ( who are those donkeys , what happened to them , when and where

the price is too high to get the info , but he pays and buys the crap, the salesman continue his walk while screaming 31 donkeys are victims …….

Please note donkey is a common way of referring to an idiot , when you try to express using humor .

All right reserved – Ktir Salbeh Show – 2015 Episode 1 – 30 جحش LBCI Lebanon